oxidizing environment

美 [ˈɑːksɪdaɪzɪŋ ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]英 [ˈɒksɪdaɪzɪŋ ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]
  • n.氧化环境
oxidizing environmentoxidizing environment
  1. In addition , the content and pressure of oxidizing environment also influence sizes , size distribution , shape of combustion products .


  2. The passive film may be augmented by chemical treatments that provide an oxidizing environment for the stainless steel surface .


  3. But it is very activity in the form of U6 + at oxidizing environment .


  4. Study on preparation of sulphur-free expanded graphite was made using nitric acid and phosphoric acid as steep in strong oxidizing environment .


  5. After a long time exposure in high temperature oxidizing environment , the porous microstructure was formed as a result of the diffusion of silicon in the coating .


  6. The coarse sand area in the north section of route belongs to strong oxidizing environment , and others areas of route are deoxidizing or transition environments .


  7. In addition , the evolutional process of minerogenic hydrothermal system from the meta-acid reducing environment to the weak-acid oxidizing environment is described .


  8. Hydrochemistry zoning from oxidizing environment to reducing environment are obviously occurred and uranium ore-forming process was performed through in groundwater from edge to center of the basin .


  9. With increase in Sd / SC the sludge bioleaching was enhanced , which was represented by the acceleration of sludge acidification , oxidizing environment formation , and substrate ( sulfur ) utilization .


  10. The adequate oxidation , which results in a oxidizing environment in palp where the hydrophobic species can be induced at mineral surface , will be good to flotation of sulfide minerals in the presence or absence of collectors .


  11. The hoary kaolinized argillaceous siltstone was formed in oxidizing environment , and it ′ s characteristics of element enrichment and REE geochemistry were analogical with the uranium-bearing sandstone , and wherefore it furnished a advanced condition to the uranium transfer and enrichment .


  12. Oxidizing reduction environment and later transporting erosion are two important conditions for gem mineral enrichment .


  13. At high temperatures oxidizing and sulfidizing corrosion environment , the conventional materials are difficult to meet the increasing challenges .


  14. Methods : The old oxidizing technology seriously polluting environment were effectively improved through the agency of raising dispersion degree 、 reinforcing rejection of heat and curing leadage .
